Please go to Professor Hu’s google scholar page for papers
- K. Wang, D. Shriver, Y. Li, M. Banu, S.J. Hu, G. Xiao, J. Arniez, H.T. Fan, “Characterization of weld attributes in ultrasonic welding of short carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 29, 124-132
- K. Wang, D. Shriver, M. Banu, S.J. Hu, G. Xiao, J. Arinez, H.T. Fan, “Performance Prediction for Ultrasonic Spot Welds of Short Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composites Under Shear Loading,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 139 (11), 111001
- C. Tan, S.J. Hu, H. Chung, K. Barton, C. Piya, K. Ramani, M. Banu (2017), “Product personalization enabled by assembly architecture and cyber physical systems,” CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 66 (1), 33-36.
- C. Shao, J. Ren, H. Wang, J.J. Jin, S.J. Hu, (2016), “Improving Machined Surface Shape Prediction by Integrating Multi-Task Learning with Cutting Force Variation Modeling,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139 (1), 011014.
- Heng Kuang, S. Jack Hu, Jeonghan Ko, (2016), “A dynamic programming approach to integrated assembly planning and supplier assignment with lead time constraints,” International Journal of Production Research Volume 54, Issue 9, 2016
- L. Xi, M. Banu, S.J. Hu, W. Cai, J. Abell, (2016), “Performance Prediction for Ultrasonically Welded Dissimilar Materials Joints,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2016, 139 (1), P.011008-011008-13.
- C. Shao, T.H. Kim, S.J. Hu, J.J. Jin, J.A. Abell, J.P. Spicer, (2015) “Tool wearing monitoring for ultrasonic metal welding of lithium-ion batteries,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138 (5), 0510059.
- Heng Kuang, S. Jack Hu, Jeonghan Ko, (2016), “Concurrent Design of Assembly Plans and Supply Chain Configurations Using AND/OR Graphs and Dynamic Programming,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138 (5), 051011.
- H.T. Nguyen, H. Wang, B. L. Tai, J. Ren, S. J. Hu, A. Shih, (2016), “High-definition Metrology Enabled Surface Variation Control by Cutting Load Balancing,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138 (2), 021010.
- W. Guo, C. Shao, T. H. Kim, S. J. Hu, J. J. Jin, J. P. Spicer, H. Wang, “Online process monitoring with near-zero misdetection for ultrasonic welding of lithium-ion batteries: An integration of univariate and multivariate methods,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems 38, 141-150.
- R. J. Riggs, X. Jin, S. J. Hu, (2015), “Two-stage Sequence Generation for Partial Disassembly of Products with Sequence Dependent Task Times,” Procedia CIRP, 29, 698-703.
- K. Martinsen, S. J. Hu, and B. E. Carlson, (20-15), “Joining of Dissimilar Materials, ” CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, keynote paper, Volume 64, issue 2, 2015, pages 679-699.
- J. Min, Y. Li, B. E. Carlson, S. J. Hu, J. Li, J. Lin, (2015), “A new single-sided blind riveting method for joining dissimilar materials,” CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, keynote paper, vol. 64, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 13-16.
- M. L. Bentaha, O. Battaïa, A. Dolgui, S.J. Hu, (2015), “Second order conic approximation for disassembly line design with joint probabilistic constraints,” European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 247, Issue 3, Pages 957-967.
- S. Suriano, H. Wang, C. Shao, S. J. Hu, P. Sekhar, (2015), “Progressive measurement and monitoring for multi-resolution data in surface manufacturing considering spatial and cross correlations,” IIE Transactions, Special Issue: Quality & Reliability Engineering, Volume 47, Issue 10.
- Robert J. Riggs, Olga Battaïa, S. J. Hu, (2015), “Disassembly line balancing under high variety of end of life states using a joint precedence graph approach,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2014.11.002.
- Hai Trong Nguyen, Hui Wang, Bruce L. Tai, Jie Ren, S. J. Hu, Albert Shih, (2015), “High-definition Metrology Enabled Surface Variation Control by Cutting Load Balancing,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, doi:10.1115/1.4030782.
- S. S. Lee, T. H. Kim, S. J. Hu, W. W. Cai, J. A. Abell, (2015), “Analysis of Weld Formation in Multilayer Ultrasonic Metal Welding Using High-Speed Images,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 137 (3), 031016.
- Y. Xu, L. Zhang, S. Wang, H. Du, B. Chai, S. J. Hu (2015), “Active precision design for complex machine tools: methodology and case study,” The International journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-10.
- Bentaha, M. L., Battaia, O., Dolgui, A. Hu, S.J. (2014), “Dealing with uncertainty in disassembly line design”, Annals of CIRP, vol. 63/1, 21-24.
- S.J. Hu, (2014), “Assembly”, CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 50-52.
- Hai T. Nguyen, Hui Wang, S Jack Hu, (2014), “Modeling cutter tilt and cutter-spindle stiffness for machine condition monitoring in face milling using high-definition surface metrology”, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, Vol. 70, Issues 5-8, pp. 1323-1335.
- He Wang, Hui Wang, S Jack Hu, (2013), “Utilizing variant differentiation to mitigate manufacturing complexity in mixed-model assembly systems”, Journal of Manufacturing System, Volume 32, Issue 4, October 2013, Pages 731-740.
- A. Bryan, S. J. Hu, and Y. Koren, (2013), “Assembly System Reconfiguration Planning”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. Vol. 135, August, pp. 041005- 1 – 13.
- Chenhui Shao, et al, (2013) “Feature selection for manufacturing process monitoring using cross-validation”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Vol. 32, No. 4, 550-555. Also published in Proceedings of the 41st North American Manufacturing Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, June.
- S Yang, RJ Riggs, SJ Hu, “Modeling and analysis of closed loop manufacturing systems using parameter coupling”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Vol. 32, No. 4, 817-824.
- Y. Koren, S.J. Hu, P. Gu and M Shpitalni, (2013), “Open Architecture Products”, Keynote paper, Annals of CIRP. Volume 62, Issue 2.
- H. Nguyen, H. Wang and S.J. Hu, (2013), “Characterization of Cutting Force Induced Surface Shape Variation in Face Milling Using High-Definition Metrology”, Accepted by ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.
- S. Lee, TH Kim, S.J. Hu, WW Cai and JA Abell, (2013) ” Characterization of Joint Quality in Ultrasonic Welding of Battery Tabs”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 135, 021004 (2013) (13 pages); doi: 10.1115/1.4023364. Also published in Proceedings of ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, University of Notre Dame, IN.
- S Yang, H Wang and S.J. Hu, (2013) ” Modeling Assembly Systems with Repetitive Operations”, Annals of CIRP. Volume 60, Issue 1. Pages 5-8.
- C. Berry, H. Wang, S. J. Hu, 2013, “Product architecting for personalization,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 32, Issue 3, July 2013, Pages 404-411. Also published in Proceedings of CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems, May, 2012. Ann Arbor
- W. Guo, J. Jin, and S.J. Hu, (2013) “Allocation of maintenance resources in mixed model assembly systems”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 32, Issue 3, July. Pages 473-479. Also published in Proceedings of CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems, May, 2012. Ann Arbor. pp 199-202.
- X. Jin, S. J. Hu, J. Ni and G Xiao, (2013), “Assembly Strategies for Remanufacturing Systems With Variable Quality Returns”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Volume 10, Issue: 1 , pp. 76 – 85.
- Jialu Liu, S. Yang, Aiguo Wu, S. J. Hu, 2012, “Multi-state throughput analysis of a two-stage manufacturing system with parallel unreliable machines and a finite buffer,” European Journal of Operational Research, 219, pp 296-304.
- S. Suriano, H. Wang and S. J. Hu, 2012, “Sequential Monitoring of Surface Spatial Variation in Automotive Machining Processes based on High Definition Metrology”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 8-14 . Won best paper award at the 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Changsha, China, July 2010.
- L. Zhou, H. Wang, C. Berry, X. Weng, and S.J. Hu, (2012), “Functional Morphing in Multistage Manufacturing and its applications in High-Definition Metrology-Based Process Control,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 9(1), 124-136.
- Xiaowei Zhu, S. Jack Hu, Yoram Koren, Ningjian Huang, (2012), “A complexity model for sequence planning in mixed-model assembly lines” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 31, Issue 2, April. Pages 121-130.
- J. J. Li, S. J. Hu, J. E. Carsley, T. M. Lee, L. G. Hector, Jr. and S. Mishra, 2011, “Post Annealing Mechanical Properties of Pre-strained AA5182-O Sheet,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. Volume 133, Issue 6, 2011, Article number 061007
- S. Li, H. Wang, Y.-T. Lin, J. A. Abell, and S. J. Hu, 2011, “Automatic Generation of Assembly System Configuration with Equipment Selection for Automotive Battery Manufacturing”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 30, Issue 4, October, Pages 188-195.
- YB Li, Q. Shen, ZQ Li, and S.J. Hu, (2011), “Quality improvement in resistance spot weld of advanced high strength steel using external magnetic field,” Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Volume 16, Issue 5, July 2011, Pages 465-469
- Liang Zhou, S. J. Hu, Thomas Stoughton, “Die Face Morphing with Formability Assessment”, ASME J. Mfg. Sci. Eng, Volume 133, Issue 1, 011003
- S. J. Hu, et al., 2011, “Assembly System Design and Operations for Product Variety”, Keynote paper, Annals of CIRP, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pages 715-733.
- T.H. Kim, J. Yum, S.J. Hu, J.P. Spicer and J.A. Abell, 2011, “Process robustness of single lap ultrasonic welding of thin, dissimilar materials”, Annals of CIRP. Volume 60, Issue 1, Pages 17-20.
- Jingjing Li, Sooho Kim, Theresa M. Lee, Paul E. Krajewski, Hui Wang, and S. Jack. Hu, (2011), “The effect of prestrain and subsequent annealing on the mechanical behavior of AA5182-O”, Materials Science and Engineering A 528 pp. 3905-3914.
- He Wang, Xiaowei Zhu, Hui Wang, S. Jack Hu, Zhongqin Lin, Guanlong Chen, (2011), “Multi-objective optimization of product variety and manufacturing complexity in mixed-model assembly systems”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 30, Issue 1, January, Pages 16-27.
- S. Li, H. Wang, , Y.-T. Lin, J. A. Abell, and S. J. Hu, 2011, “Automatic Generation of Assembly System Configuration with Equipment Selection for Automotive Battery Manufacturing”, accepted for publication, Journal of Manufacturing Systems.
- Liang Zhou, S. Jack Hu, Thomas Stoughton, “Die Face Morphing with Formability Assessment”, accepted for publication, ASME J. Mfg. Sci. Eng
- Hu, S. J., et al., 2011, “Assembly System Design and Operations for Product Variety”, Keynote paper, Annals of CIRP, Volume 60, Issue 2.
- T.H. Kim, J. Yum, S.J. Hu, J.P. Spicer and J.A. Abell, “Process robustness of single lap ultrasonic welding of thin, dissimilar materials”, Annals of CIRP. Volume 60, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 17-20.
- S. Suriano, H. Wang and S. J. Hu, “Sequential Monitoring of Surface Spatial Variation in Automotive Machining Processes based on High Definition Metrology”, accepted for publication, Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Won best paper award at the 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Changsha, China, July 2010
- J. J. Li, S. J. Hu, J. E. Carsley, T. M. Lee, L. G. Hector, Jr. and S. Mishra, Post Annealing Mechanical Properties of Pre-strained AA5182-O Sheet, accepted by ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
- J. J. Li, S. Kim, T. M. Lee, P. E. Krajewski, H. Wang and S. J. Hu, The effect of prestrain and subsequent annealing on the mechanical behavior of AA5182-O,? Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011, 582, 3905-3914
- Y. Liu, S. Wang, SJ Hu, 2010, “Multi-objective optimization of end-to-end sutured anastomosis for robot-assisted surgery,” International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery , Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2010, Pages 368-375
- Tolio, T., Ceglarek, D.; Elmaraghy, H.A.; Fischer, A.; Hu, S.J.; Laperrière, L.; Newman, S.T.; Váncza, J., 2010, ” SPECIES – Co-Evolution of products, processes and production systems”, Keynote paper, Annals of CIRP, v 59, n 2, p 672-693.
- Hui Wang, Jeonghan Ko, Xiaowei Zhu, and S. J. Hu, (2010) “A Complexity Model for Assembly Supply Chains and Its Application to Configuration Design”, ASME J. Mfg. Sci. Eng. 132, 021005
- H. Wang and S. J. Hu, (2010), “Manufacturing Complexity in Assembly Systems with Hybrid Configurations and Its Impact on Throughput”, Annals of CIRP, v 59, n 1, 2010., Pages 53-56.
- Jingjing Li, S. J. Hu, (2010), “Optimization of Localized Annealing for Preform Anneal Forming of Aluminum Alloys”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, v 38, 2010.
- Xuejun Lu, H. Wang, S. J. Hu, (2010), “High Definition Metrology Based Root Cause Diagnosis Using 2-D Discrete Cosine Transformation”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, v 38, 2010.
- Tolio, T., Ceglarek, D.; Elmaraghy, H.A.; Fischer, A.; Hu, S.J.; Laperrière, L.; Newman, S.T.; Váncza, J., 2010, ” SPECIES – Co-Evolution of products, processes and production systems”, Keynote paper, Annals of CIRP, v 59, n 2, p 672-693.
- Hui Wang, Jeonghan Ko, Xiaowei Zhu, and S. Jack Hu, “A Complexity Model for Assembly Supply Chains and Its Application to Configuration Design”, ASME J. Mfg. Sci. Eng., 132, 021005 (2010)
- H. Wang and S. J. Hu, (2010), “Manufacturing Complexity in Assembly Systems with Hybrid Configurations and Its Impact on Throughput”, Annals of CIRP, v 59, n 1, 2010.
- Jingjing Li, S. J. Hu, (2010), “Optimization of Localized Annealing for Preform Anneal Forming of Aluminum Alloys”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, v 38, 2010.
- Xuejun Lu, Hui Wang, S. J. Hu, (2010), “High Definition Metrology Based Root Cause Diagnosis Using 2-D Discrete Cosine Transformation”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, v 38, 2010.
- J. J. Li, Y. Zhou, S. J. Hu, L. E. Izquierdo, P. E. Krajewski, and T. M. Lee, Optimization of localized annealing for preform anneal forming of aluminum alloys, Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 2010, 411-418
- Y. Liu, Shuxin Wang, S. Jack Hu , Wei Qiu, 2009, “Mechanical analysis of end-to-end silk-sutured anastomosis for robot-assisted surgery,” The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Volume 5 Issue 4, Pages 444 – 451. Published Online: 1 Sep 2009
- L. Zhou, S.J. Hu, T. Stoughton, (2009), “Evolutionary Stamping Die Development Using Morphing Technology”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, v 37, 2009.
- J. Ko and S. J. Hu, (2009) “Manufacturing System Design Considering Stochastic Product Evolution and Task Recurrence”, ASME J. Mfg. Sci. Eng., Oct. 2009, Vol. 131, 051012 1- 12.
- Y. Zhou, G. Lin, A. J. Shih, S.J. Hu, (2009) “Assembly pressure and membrane swelling in PEM fuel cells, ” Journal of Power Sources, v 192, n 2, p 544-51, 15 July.
- C. Xie, S. Wang, L. Zhang, S.J. Hu, (2009) “Improvement of proton exchange membrane fuel cell overall efficiency by integrating heat-to-electricity conversion”, Journal of Power Sources, v 191, n 2, p 433-41, 15 June.
- Hu, S.J., Stecke, K.E., (2009), ” Analysis of automotive body assembly system configurations for quality and productivity”, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, v 4, n 3, p 281-305.
- J. Liu, J. Shi, S. J. Hu, (2009), “Quality-assured setup planning based on the stream-of-variation model for multi-stage machining processes”, IIE Transactions, v 41, n 4, p 323-34, April.
- Y. Zhou, G. Lin, A. J. Shih, S. J. Hu, (2009), “Multi-Physics Modeling of Assembly Pressure Effects on PEM Fuel Cell Performance”, ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology. v 6, n 4, p 041005 (7 pp.), Nov.
- L. E. Izquierdo, S. J. Hu, H. Du, R. Jin, H. Jee, and Jianjun Shi, (2008),”Robust Fixture Layout Design for A Product Family Assembled in a Multistage Reconfigurable Line”, ASME J. Mfg. Sci. Eng. v 131, n 4, p 041008 (9 pp.), Aug.
- G. Lin, S.J. Hu and W. Cai, (2009), “Evaluation of Formability in Bending/Hemming of Aluminum Alloys using Plane-strain Tensile Tests.,” ASME J. Mfg. Sci. Eng, Oct. 2009, Vol. 131, 051009 1-9
- Z. Wu; S. Wang; L. Zhang; S.J. Hu, (2009), “An analytical model and parametric study of electrical contact resistance in proton exchange membrane fuel cells”, Journal of Power Sources, v 189, n 2, p 1066-73, 15 April.
- Z. Wu, Y. Zhou, G.S. Lin, S. Wang, and S. J. Hu, (2008), “An Improved Model for Predicting Electrical Contact Resistance between Bipolar Plate and Gas Diffusion Layer in PEM Fuel Cells”, Journal of Power Source. Journal of Power Sources, v 182, n 1, 15, July 2008, p 265-9
- S. J. Hu, X. Zhu, H. Wang, and Y. Koren, (2008), “Product Variety and Manufacturing Complexity in Assembly Systems and Supply Chain”, Annals of CIRP, v 57, n 1, p 45-48.
- Chen, W.; Lin, G.S.; Hu, S.J, (2008), “A comparison study on the effectiveness of stepped binder and weld line clamping pins on formability improvement for tailor-welded blanks”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, v 207, n 1-3, Oct 16, p 204-210.
- Li, Z; Kokkolaras, M.; Papalambros, P.; Hu, S.J., (2008), “Product and process tolerance allocation in multistation compliant assembly using analytical target cascading”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, v 130, n 9, p 091701 (9 pp.)
- Li, Z.; Izquierdo, L.E.; Kokkolaras, M.; Hu, S.J.; Papalambros, P.Y., (2008), “Multiobjective optimization for integrated tolerance allocation and fixture layout design in multistation assembly”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, v 130, n 4, Aug., p 044501-1-6
- Ersoy, U.; Hu, S.J.; Kannatey-Asibu, E. (2008), “Observation of arc start instability and spatter generation in GMAW”, Welding Journal (Miami, Fla), v 87, n 2, February, p 51-s-56-s.
- J. Ko and S. J. Hu, (2008), “Balancing of manufacturing systems with complex configurations for delayed product differentiation,” Int. J. of Production Research, v 46, n 15, p 4285?308.
- U. Ersoy, E. Kannatey-Asibu, and S. J. Hu, 2008, “Analytical Modeling of Metal Transfer for GMAW in the Globular Mode”, ASME J. Mfg. Sci. Eng. Volume 130, Issue 6, p v 130, n 6, p 061009 1-8, December.
- Chen, W.; Lin, G.S.; Hu, S.J, (2008). “A comparison study on the effectiveness of stepped binder and weld line clamping pins on formability improvement for tailor-welded blanks”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, v 207, n 1-3, Oct 16, p 204-210.
- X. Zhu, S. J. Hu, Y. Koren and S. P. Marin, (2008), “Modeling of Manufacturing Complexity in Mixed Model Assembly Lines”, ASME J. Mfg. Sci. Eng. October 2008 Volume 130, Issue 5. Also published in ASME International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2006.
- Li, Z; Kokkolaras, M.; Papalambros, P.; Hu, S.J., (2008), “Product and process tolerance allocation in multistation compliant assembly using analytical target cascading”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, v 130, n 9, 2008, p 091701 (9 pp.)
- Li, Z.; Izquierdo, L.E.; Kokkolaras, M.; Hu, S.J.; Papalambros, P.Y., (2008), “Multiobjective optimization for integrated tolerance allocation and fixture layout design in multistation assembly”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, v 130, n 4, Aug., p 044501-1-6.
- M. Chin, S. J. Hu and J.R. Barber (2008), “Design Guidelines for Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive Assemblies in Microelectronics Packaging”, Journal of Electronic Packaging, v 130, n 2, June, p 021006-1-3J109.
- Jung, D.; Wang, W.L.; Hu, S.J. (2008) “Microscopic geometry changes of a direct-injection diesel injector nozzle due to abrasive flow machining and a numerical investigation of its effects on engine performance and emissions,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A (Journal of Power and Energy), v 222, n A2, p 241-52, March.
- Xintao Cui, Shuxin Wang, S. J. Hu, (2008) “A method for optimal design of automotive body assembly using multi-material construction,” Materials and Design. 29 (2), Jan 2008, p.381-387.
- M. Chin and S. J. Hu, (2007), “A multiple particle model for the prediction of electrical contact resistance in anisotropic conductive adhesive assemblies”, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technology, v 30, n 4, p 745-553.
- H. Orban and S. J. Hu, (2007), “Analytical modeling of wall thinning during corner filling in structural tube hydroforming”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, v 193, n 1-3, p 7-14.
- S. Wang, C. Xie, Y. Wang, L. Zhang, W. Jie, S. J. Hu, (2007), “Harvesting of PEM Fuel Cell Heat Energy For a Thermal Engine in an Underwater Glider”, Journal of Power Sources, v. 169, n 2, p 338-346.
- H. Liu; T. Huang; J. Mei; X. Zhao; D.G. Chetwynd,; M. Li; S.J. Hu (2007), “Kinematic design of a 5-DOF hybrid robot with large workspace/ limb-stroke ratio”, Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Mechanical Design, v 129, n 5, p 530-537.
- Y. B. Li, Z. Q. Lin, S.J. Hu, G. Chen, (2007), “Numerical analysis of magnetic fluid dynamics behaviors during resistance spot welding”, Journal of Applied Physics, v 101, n 5, p 53506-1-10.
- Bryan, J. Ko, S. J. Hu and Y. Koren, (2007), “Co-Evolution of Products and Assembly Systems,” Annals of CIRP. v 56, n 1, p 41-44.
- L. E. Izquierdo, J. Shi, S. Jack Hu and C. W. Wampler (2007), “Feedforward Control Of Multistage Assembly Processes Using Programmable Tooling”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, v 35, p 295-302.
- H. Orban, G. Lin, S. J. Hu and M. Koc, (2007), “Wrinkling Detection in Tube Bending Simulations”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME. Vol. 35, p 105-112.
- Guosong Lin, S. J. Hu, (2007), “A Computational Response Surface Study of Curved-surface-curved-edge Aluminum Hemming using Solid-to-shell Mapping.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, v 129, n 2, p 360-368.
- Y. Zhou, G. S. Lin, A. J. Shih, S. J. Hu, (2007) “A Micro-scale Model for Predicting Contact Resistance between Bipolar Plate and Gas Diffusion Layer in PEM Fuel Cells”, Journal of Power Sources, v 163, n 2, p 777-783.
- A. Bryan, Hu, S. J., and Y. Koren, (2007), “Concurrent product portfolio planning and mixed product assembly line balancing” Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), v 20, n 1, p 96-99.
- L. Zhang, Y. Liu, H. Song, S. Wang, Y. Zhou, S. J. Hu, (2006), “Estimation of contact resistance in proton exchange membrane fuel cells”, J. of Power Sources. v 162, n 2, p 1165-1171.
- M. Li, T. Huang, D. G. Chetwynd and S. J. Hu, (2006), “Forward Position Analysis of a 3-DOF Module for Reconfigurable Hybrid Robots”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. v 128, n 1, p 319-22.
- S. J. Hu and J. Camelio, 2006, “Modeling and Control of Compliant Assembly Systems,” Annals of the CIRP. v 55. p 19-22.
- Y. Liu, S. Wang, F. Li and S. J. Hu, (2006) “Preform Design of Powder Metallurgy Turbine Disks Using Equi-Potential Line Method”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. v 128, p 677-682.
- S. Swillo, K. Iyer and S. J. Hu, (2006), “Angled Line Method for Measuring Continuously Distributed Strain in Sheet Bending”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. v 128, p 651-658.
- Y. Cho, W. Li and S. J. Hu, (2006) “Design of experiment analysis and weld lobe estimation for aluminum resistance spot welding”, Welding Journal, v 85, n 3, p 45-S-51-S.
- W. Zhong and S. J. Hu, (2006), “Modeling Machining Geometric Variation in a N-2-1 Fixturing Scheme”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, v 128, n 1, p 213-219.
- M. Chin, J.R. Barber, and S. J. Hu, (2006), “Effect of Elastic Recovery on the Electrical Contact Resistance in Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive Assemblies”, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies. v 29, n 1, p 137-144.
- Guosong Lin, S. J. Hu, (2006), “A Computational Response Surface Study of Curved-surface-curved-edge Aluminum Hemming using Solid-to-shell Mapping.”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.
- M. Chin, J.R. Barber, and S. J. Hu, (2006), “Effect of Elastic Recovery on the Electrical Contact Resistance in Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive Assemblies”, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies. Vol. 29, No. 1, June. pp. 137-144.
- M. Li, T. Huang, D. G. Chetwynd and S. J. Hu, (2006), “Forward Position Analysis of a 3-DOF Module for Reconfigurable Hybrid Robots”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. v 128, n 1, p 319-22.
- G. Lin, K. Iyer, S. J. Hu, W. Cai and S. Marin, (2005) “A computational design-of-experiments study of hemming processes for automotive aluminium alloys”, Journal of Engineering Manufacture. v 219, n 10 , p 711-722
- J. Camelio, S. J. Hu, and H. J. Yim, (2005), “Sensor Placement for Effective Diagnosis of Multiple Faults in Fixturing of Compliant Parts”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. v 127, p 68-74. Feb. Also published in the Proceedings of the 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, Washington, DC.
- J. Ko, S. J. Hu and T. Huang, (2005), “Reusability Assessment for Manufacturing Systems”, Annals of CIRP, v 54, n 1, p 113-116.
- G. Liu and S. J. Hu, (2005), “Assembly Fixture Diagnosis Using Designated Component Analysis”, ASME J. of Mfg. Science and Engineering. v 127, May.
- K. Iyer, S. J. Hu, F. Brittman, P.C. Wang, D. Hydan, (2005), “Fatigue of Single and Double Rivet Self-Piercing Riveted Lap Joints”, Accepted by Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures. Also published at ASME IMECE 2002. Symposium on Automotive Body Assembly and Joining. November 17-22. New Orleans, LA.
- M. Li, T. Huang, D. Zhang, X. Zhao, S. J. Hu and D. G. Chetwynd, (2005), “Conceptual Design and Dimensional Synthesis of a Reconfigurable Hybrid Robot”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, v 127, p 647-653.
- Meng Li, Tian Huang, Jiangping Mei, Xueman Zhao, D. G. Chetwynd and S. J. Hu, (2005), “Dynamic Formulation and Performance Comparison of the 3-DOF Modules of Two Reconfigurable PKM-the Tricept and the TriVariant”, ASME J. Mechanical Design. v 127, n 6, p 1129-1136.
- R. Webbink and S.J. Hu, (2005) “Automatic Generation of Assembly System Solutions”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. v 2, n 1, p 32-39.
- S. Swillo, G. Lin, S. J. Hu, K. Iyer, J. Yao, M. Koc, W. Cai, (2005), ” Detection and Characterization of Surface Cracking in Sheet Metal Hemming Using Optical Method”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, v 33.
- T. Huang, M. Li, Z. X., Li, G. Chetwynd and S. J. Hu, (2005), “Conceptual Design and Dimensional Synthesis for a 3-DOF Module of the TriVariant -A Novel 5-DOF Reconfigurable Hybrid Robot”, IEEE Transaction on Robotics, v 21, n 3, p 449-456.
- W. L. Wang and S. J. Hu, (2005), “Modal response and frequency shift of the cantilever in a noncontact atom force microscope”, Applied Physics Letter, 87, 183506.
- J. Camelio and S. J. Hu, (2004), “Multiple Fault Diagnosis for Sheet Metal Fixtures using Designated Component Analysis”. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, v 126, n 1, p 91-97.
- J. Camelio, S. J. Hu, D. Ceglarek, (2004), “Impact of Tooling on Compliant Assembly Variation”, SME J. of Manufacturing Systems. v 23, n 3, p 182-193. Also published in 2002 ASME for Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montreal, September.
- J. Camelio, S. J. Hu, S. P. Marin, (2004), “Compliant Assembly Variation Analysis Based on Geometric Covariance “, ASME J. Mfg. Sci. Eng. v 126(2), p 355-360.
- J. Camelio, Weiping Zhong, and S. J. Hu, (2004), “Diagnosis of Multiple Fixture Faults in Machining Using Designated Component Analysis”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, v 23, n 4, p 309-315. Also published in Trans. of NAMRI/SME. v XXXI, p 201-208, 2003.
- J. Senkara, H. Zhang , and S. J. Hu, (2004) ” Expulsion prediction in resistance spot welding”, Welding Journal, v 83, n 4, p 123S-132S.
- M. Chin, K. A. Iyer, and S.J. Hu, (2004), “Prediction of Electrical Contact Resistance for Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive Assemblies”, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies. v 27, n 2, p 317-326.
- S. Lu, S. J. Hu and K. Iyer, (2004), “Functional Characterization of Surface Roughness Generated by Plateau Honing Process Using Wavelet Analysis”, SAE Transactions J. of Materials and Manufacturing.
- T. Freiheit, T., M. Shpitalni, M., S. J. Hu, (2004), “Productivity of Paced Parallel-Serial Manufacturing Lines with and without Crossover,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, v 126 (2), p 361-367 MAY. also published in the Proceedings of the 2002 IMECE, November 17-22, 2002, New Orleans, LA.
- T. Freiheit, T., M. Shpitalni, S. J. Hu , and Y. Koren, (2004), “Productivity of Synchronized Serial Production Lines with Flexible Reserve Capacity”, International Journal of Production Research, v 42, n 10, p 2009-2027.
- T. Freiheit, T., Y. Koren, Y., S. J. Hu, S., (2004), “Productivity of Parallel Production Lines with Unreliable Machines and Material Handling,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, v 1, p 98-103.
- W.L. Wang, and S, J. Hu, (2004), “Geometry and Surface Characterization of Micro Holes in Fuel Injector Nozzles”, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, v 2, n 1, p 65-70
- Y.X. Chu, S.J. Hu, W.K. Hou, P.C. Wang and S. P. Marin, (2004), “Signature Analysis for Quality Monitoring in Short Circuit GMAW”, Welding Journal, p 336s-343s.
- C. L. Chow, M. Jie, S. J. Hu, (2003), “Forming Limit Analysis of Sheet Metals Based on Generalized Deformation Theory”, ASME J. of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 125, pp. 260-265.
- F. Wang, W. K. Hou, S.J. Hu, E. Kannatey-Asibu, W.W. Schultz, P.C. Wang, (2003), “Modelling and analysis of metal transfer in gas metal arc welding”, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics, 36(9): 1143-1152 MAY 7 2003.
- G. Casalino, S.J. Hu, W. Hou, 2003, “Deformation prediction and quality evaluation of the gas metal arc welding butt weld”, Proceedings of Institute of Mechanical Engineers, J. of Engineering Manufacture, 217 (11): 1615-1622.
- G. Zhang, S. Jack Hu and Xin Wu, (2003), “Numerical analysis and optimization of hemming processes”, SME J. of Manufacturing Processes. May.
- G. Zhang, J. Yao, S. J. Hu, and X. Wu, (2003), “Shrink Flanging with Surface Contours”, SME J. of Mfg Processes, Vol. 5, No. 2. pp.143-153.
- H. Tang, W. Hou, S. J. Hu, H. Y. Zhang, Z. Feng and M. Kimchi, (2003), “Influence of Welding Machine Mechanical Characteristics on the Resistance Spot Welding Process and Weld Quality”, Welding Journal, May, 116s-124s.
- J. Camelio, S. J. Hu and D. Ceglarek, (2003), “Modeling Variation Propagation in Multi-Station Assembly Systems With Compliant Parts”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Volume 125, Issue 4, December. pp. 673-681. Also published in Proceedings of 2001 ASME DETC. (Won best paper award in Design for Manufacturing Conference).
- M. Zhou, H. Zhang, and S. J. Hu, (2003), “Relationships Between Quality and Attributes of Spot Welds”, Welding Journal, vol. 82 (4), pp. 72-s to 77-s.
- V. Maier-Speredelozzi, Y. Koren and S. J. Hu, (2003), “Convertibility Measures for Manufacturing Systems,” Annals of the CIRP. Vol. 52, No. 1. pp. 367-370.
- S. He, X. Wu and S. J. Hu, (2003), “Formability Enhancement for Tailored Welded Blanks Using Blank Holding Force Control”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. August. Vol. 125. pp.461-467. Also published in the Proceedings of IMECE 2001, MED, New York.
- S. J. Hu, R. Webbink, J. Lee, and Y. Long, (2003), “Robustness Evaluation For Compliant Assembly Systems”, ASME Journal for Mechanical Design. Volume 125, Issue 2, pp. 262-267. also presented at the 2000 DETC Design for Manufacturing Conference, Baltimore.
- T. Freiheit, M. Shpitalni, S. J. Hu and Y. Koren, (2003), “Designing Productive Manufacturing Systems without Buffers,” Annals of the CIRP. Vol. 52, No. 1. pp105-108.
- W. L. Wang, S. J. Hu, and R. Clarke, 2003, “Effects of three dimensional atomic forces in topographical imaging of atoms with an atom force microscope”, Physical Review B, Vol. 68, No. 245401, Dec.
- Y. Cho, S. J. Hu, W. Li , (2003), “Resistance spot welding of aluminium and steel: a comparative experimental study,” Proceedings of Institute of Mechanical Engineers, J. of Engineering Manufacture, 217 (10): 1355-1363.
- H. Tang, W. Hou and S. J. Hu, (2002), “Forging Force in Resistance Spot Welding”, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: J. of Engineering Manufacture. 216(7), pp. 957-968.
- S. Jack Hu, R. Webbink, J. Lee, Y. Long and, (2002), “Robustness Evaluation For Compliant Assembly Systems”, accepted by ASME Journal for Mechanical Design. also presented at the DETC Design for Manufacturing Conference, Baltimore.
- V. Maier-Speredelozzi and S. J. Hu, (2002), “Selecting Manufacturing System Configuration Based on Performance”, accepted by Transactions of NAMRI/SME.
- T. Freiheit and S. J. Hu, (2002). “Impact of Machining Parameters on Machine Reliability and System Productivity”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. May, Volume 124, Issue 2, pp. 296-304.
- W. Li, S. J. Hu and S. Cheng, (2001) “Robust Design For Manufacturing Processes With Parameter Interdependency”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, pp. 647 ?653. Also accepted for publication in SME J. of Mfg Systems.
- G. Zhang, S. J. Hu and X. Wu, (2001), “A study on fundamental mechanisms of warp and recoil in hemming”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. November, vol. 123, pp.436-441. Also published in Proceedings of IMECE-2000, Manufacturing Science and Engineering.
- W. Li, S.W. Cheng, S.J. Hu, and J. Shriver (2001), “Statistical Investigation of Resistance Welding Quality Using Two-Stage Sliding Experiments,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. August. Vol. 123, pp. 513-520.
- Also published in Proceedings of IMECE-2000, Manufacturing Science and Engineering.
- Y. G. Liao and S. J. Hu, (2000), “An Integrated Model of a Fixture-Workpiece System for Surface Quality Prediction”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 17, pp810-818.
- H. Tang, W. Hou, S. J. Hu and H. Zhang, (2000), “Force Characteristics in Resistance Spot Welding”, Welding Journal. Vol. 79(7), 175s-183s.
- J. Senkara, Hongyan Zhang, and S. Jack Hu, (2000), “Expulsion Prediction in Resistance Spot Welding”, Accepted by the Welding Journal.
- H. K. Chen, S.J. Hu and T.C. Woo, (2000), “Visibility Analysis and Synthesis for Tooling Certification”, ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, August.
- M. Zhou, H. Zhang and S. J. Hu, (2000), “Impact Strength Measurement and a New Impact Tester”, Accepted by the Proceedings of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture.
- W. Li, S.J. Hu, and J. Ni, (2000), “A Method for On-Line Quality Prediction of Resistance Spot Welding”, ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. Vol. 122, pp.511-512.
- H. Zhang, S. J. Hu, J. Senkara, and S. Cheng, (2000), “A Statistical Analysis of Expulsion Limits in Resistance Spot Welding,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 122, August, pp. 501-510.
- G. Zhang, H. Hao, X. Wu, S. J. Hu, K. Haper and W. Faitel, (2000), “Design of Experiments on Curved Surface-Straight Edge Hemming”, Transactions of NAMRI. Also published in SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol.2, No.2, pp.241-246.
- S. Yang, C. Wu and S. J. Hu, (2000), “Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Stage Transfer Lines with Unreliable Machines and Finite Buffers”, Annals of Operations Research, 93(2000), pp.405-421.
- Gene Liao and S. J. Hu, (2000), “Flexible Multibody Dynamics Based Fixture-Workpiece Analysis Model for Fixturing Stability”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 40(2000), pp.343-362.
- M. Zhou, S. J. Hu, and H. Zhang, (1999), “Critical Specimen Sizes for Tensile-Shear Testing of Welded Steel Sheets,” Welding Journal. 78(9), pp.305s-313s.
- W. Li, S. J. Hu, and J. Ni, (1999), “On-line Expulsion Detection and Estimation for Resistance Spot Welding,” Transactions of NAMRI.
- J.-K. Lee, S. J. Hu, and A. Ward, (1999), “Workspace Synthesis for Flexible Fixturing of Stampings”, ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, August, pp.478-484.
- Y. H. Jang, J. R. Barber, and S. J. Hu, (1998), “Electrical Conductance between Dissimilar Materials with Temperature Dependent Properties”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. Vol. 31, No. 22, pp.3197-3205, November.
- Y. J. Long and S. J. Hu, (1998), “A Unified Model for Variation Simulation of Sheet Metal Assemblies”, in Geometric Design Tolerancing: Theories, Standards and Applications, Ed. Dr. Hoda A. ElMaraghy, Chapman & Hall. pp.208-219. Also appeared in Proceedings of the CIRP Seminar on Computer Aided Tolerancing. Toronto, Canada, May, 1997.
- S. J. Hu and Y. G. Liu (1998) “Process Mean Shift Detection Using Prediction Error Analysis,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. Vol. 120, pp.489-495. August.
- Y. Koren, S. J. Hu., and T. W. Weber, (1998), “Impact of Manufacturing System Configuration on Performance”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 47/1.
- J. Liao, S. J. Hu, and D. Stephenson, (1998), “Optimization of Fixture Configuration considering Fixture-Workpiece Contact”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME.
- S. C. Liu and S. J. Hu, (1998), “Sheet Metal Assembly Joint Configurations and Their Variation Characteristics”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. Vol. 120, pp. 461-467, May.
- Z. T. Zhang and S. J. Hu, (1998), “Stress and Residual Stress Distributions in Plane Strain Bending”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp.533-543.
- S. J. Hu, (1997), “Stream of Variation Theory for Automotive Body Assembly”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 46/1, pp.1-6.
- W. J. Cai, S. J. Hu, and Jingxia Yuan, (1997), “A Variational Method of Robust Fixture Configuration Design for 3-D Workpieces”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. Vol.119, pp.593-602, November.
- S. C. Liu and S. J. Hu, (1997), “Variation Simulation for Deformable Sheet Metal Assembly Using Finite Element Methods”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 119, pp.368-374. August.
- S.C. Liu and S. J. Hu, (1997), “A Parametric Study of Joint Performance in Sheet Metal Assembly”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 873-884,
- Z. T. Zhang and S. J. Hu, (1997), “Mathematical Modeling of Plane Strain Bending”, SAE Technical Paper, #970439.
- S. J. Hu, (1996) “Statistical Process Control For Correlated Processes – Case Studies In Automotive Manufacturing”, IASTED J. of Modeling and Simulation, Special Issue on Manufacturing Reliability. pp. 218-223.
- W. J. Cai, S. J. Hu, and J. Yuan, (1996), “Deformable Sheet Metal Fixturing: Principles, Algorithms and Simulations”, ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry. Vol.118, pp. 318-324, August. (Also published at 1994 ASME IMECE Proceeding, Manufacturing Science and Engineering-1994, PED Vol.68-1, pp.13-20.)
- S. J. Hu and C. Roan (1996), ” Change Patterns of Time Series Based Control Charts”, ASQC Journal of Quality Technology, pp. 302-312, July.
- U. N. Gandhi and S. J. Hu, (1996) “Data Based Models for Automobile Side Impact Analysis and Design Evaluation,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 517-537.
- W. J. Cai, and S. J. Hu, (1996), ” Optimal Fixture Configuration Design for Sheet Metal Assembly with Springback “, Transactions of NAMRI/SME. pp. 229-234, May.
- S. C. Liu, S. J. Hu, and T. C. Woo, (1996) “Tolerance Analysis for Sheet Metal Assemblies”. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Vol. 118, pp. 62-67.
- S. C. Liu and S. J. Hu, (1995), “An Offset Finite Element Model and Its Application in Predicting Sheet Metal Assembly Variation”, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 1545-1557.
- D. Khorzad, J. Shi, S. J. Hu, J. Ni, and G. Seliger, (1995), “Multiple Panel Fitting for Automobile Manufacturing”. Transactions of NAMRI/SME, pp. 241-247, May.
- S. C. Liu, H.-W. Lee, and S. J. Hu, (1995), “Variation Simulation for Deformable Sheet Metal Assemblies Using Mechanistic Models”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME. pp. 235-241, May.
- C. Roan and S. J. Hu, (1995), “Monitoring and Classification of Dimensional Faults for Automotive Body Assembly,” International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 103-125, April.
- U. N. Gandhi and S. J. Hu, (1995), “Data Based Approach in Modeling Automobile Crash,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 95-118.
- H. T. Fan, S. J. Hu, and S. M. Wu, (1994) “Forecasting Control of Waterborne Basecoat Viscosity,” Transactions of ASME, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 116, pp. 514-516, November.
- S.- K. Wu, S. J. Hu, and S. M. Wu, (1994), “A Fault Identification and Classification Scheme for an Automobile Door Assembly Process,”. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems , Vol. 6, pp. 261-285, October.
- S.- K. Wu, S. J. Hu, and S. M. Wu, (1994), “Optimal Door Fit With Systematic Fixture Adjustment,” International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems , Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 99-121, April.
- M. R. Rearick, S. J. Hu, and S. M. Wu, (1993), “Optimal Fixture Design for Deformable Sheet Metal Workpiece,” Transactions of NAMRI, Vol. XXI, pp. 407-412, May.
- S. J. Hu and S. M. Wu, (1992), “Identifying Sources of Variation in Automobile Body Assembly Using Principal Component Analysis,” Transactions of NAMRI, Vol. XX, pp. 311-316, May.
- S. J. Hu, S.- K. Wu, and S. M. Wu, (1991), “Multivariate Analysis and Variation Reduction Case Studies in Automobile Assembly,” Transactions of NAMRI, Vol. XIX, pp. 303-308, May.
- S. J. Hu and S. M. Wu, (1990), “In-Process 100% Measurement and Statistical Analysis for an Automotive Body Assembly Process,” Transactions of NAMRI, Vol. XVIII, pp.317-321, May.
- S. J. Hu and S. M. Wu, (1989), “Prony Estimation of AR Parameters of an ARMA Time Series,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 1989, 3(2), pp.207-211.